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Below are some examples of my work. Some were collaborative efforts, while others were full-stack applications that I created myself. Click each image for more info on each.

For more examples, please feel free to view my complete Github profile from the Contact page.

Essence Healthcare Member & Provider Portalsmore_vert

Portals for users to access healthcare plan

Essence Healthcare Member & Provider Portalsclose

With a team of other engineers, maintained and updated live portals using Mustache templating, Microsoft SQL while interfaced into third-party platform. Built new build and deploy applications to automate updates for new plan years.

Technologies: Python, Javascript, Node, Mustache templating, third-party admin platform

Deployed site

Two Hearts with a Purposemore_vert

Small Boutique company starting their web presence

Two Hearts with a Purposeclose

This live e-commerce site was built on the Shopify platform for a small, boutique business launching their online channel. I utilized the Shopify Liquid templating language and other adminstrative tools to create product collections and relational tags at the clients request, as well as personalized the site to the client's needs. I launched the public site and initially managed it while providing information to the client to enable them to self-manage the site.

Technologies: Shopify templating language, Shopify Admin Platform

Deployed site


A tourism e-commerce application


An e-commerce site focused on tourism. This MERN application is build for two personas - Admin and User. A smooth UI allows the User to navigate the site to browse, search and book tours and other activities, and Admins can modify existing users permission level, add Tour Operators and new tours. Paypal and Calendly are linked on the back end to check for payment after a tour is scheduled to allow Admins to be able to manage receivables. Future implimentations will allow Admins to view bookings, Users to view their booking history, and create a new persona for Tour Operators to be able to add and manage their own tours and bookings.

Technologies: React, NodeJS, Express, JSON WebTokens, MongoDB, PayPal payments & Calendly scheduling API

Github Repository

Jenn's Hensmore_vert

An e-commerce application for farm-fresh eggs

Jenn's Hensclose

An e-commerce site built for the Artisanal Egg Boutique owner. This is a full-stack application with an attractive, user-friendly UI that allows customers to place orders and admins to fulfill orders. This application uses multiple technologies to maintain a clean but fully functional experience for both customer and the small egg distributor. This application is also fully scalable to add additional products, or to be transitioned to other products and services from small business owners.

Technologies: NodeJS, Express Session, MySQL DB, Handlebars template engine with Materialize CSS/JS framework, JavaScript, PayPal payments

Github Repository

Weather Dashboardmore_vert

A friendly place to check the weather

Weather Dashboardclose

This is a front-end single page application utilizing a third-party API to display weather information. The current conditions and UV index is displayed, along with a five-day forecast. Additionally, local storage is utilized to maintain a list of the previous 8 cities searched.

Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, Moment.js, as well as a third-party API

Deployed site

Github Repository

Two dice rolling